Hailing from the vibrant town of Secunda, V.Soul, known by his birth name Vusi Skhosana, stands as a luminary in the realm of South African soulful house music. From the very heart of this diverse nation, V.Soul has artfully woven his musical identity, casting an enchanting spell on listeners worldwide.
Under the music group "Deepsoul," V.Soul embarked on his musical voyage, collaborating with kindred spirits like Fera, Deeptonic, and Chronic Mist. Through remixes that adorned the compositions of luminaries like Andy Compton, Magic Soul, and Matthew Yates, V.Soul's prowess as a sonic sculptor came to the fore. With each production, he chiseled his sound, honing a signature style that was uniquely his own.
In a crescendo of creativity, V.Soul unveiled his debut EP titled "Surge." The reception it garnered within the house music echelons was nothing short of heartwarming. Among its treasures was "Love Sick," a track that not only epitomized V.Soul's sonic philosophy but also resonated as an audible testament to his profound affection for the medium. The EP offered a canvas of melodies that flowed like liquid silk, a testament to his mastery in evoking emotions through music.
V.Soul's artistic journey is adorned with collaborations that span genres and transcend boundaries. Having worked alongside notable names such as Kabza de Small, KingTouch, QubiqueSmall, Who De Warrior, AndyKeys, Jasmine Clement, Lala Peaches, Masteroxx, and Spumante, his music bears the imprints of diverse creative minds. These collaborations have enriched his sonic tapestry, infusing his tracks with a kaleidoscope of influences and perspectives.
Yet, V.Soul's musical journey remains an ever-unfolding narrative, a symphony that still echoes across the horizons. The chapters he has penned under the banner of V.Soul music are a testament to his evolution as an artist. As the beats continue to pulse, as the melodies continue to entwine, V.Soul's story remains one of growth, of rhythm, and above all, of an unwavering passion for the artistry that is soulful house music.